Joyce's research part 1

Skeleton illustration

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Research Study Title: Stakeholder attitudes towards fetal and embryological collections (FECs)

Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project about differences in geographic and cultural perceptions (including perceived value) towards FECs, and their current for education and research.

If you are interested, the project is looking for people who would like to take part in this research and who are: 

  • Engaged as an academic at a university in anatomy, medicine, health, and/or science education 
  • Engaged as a professional staff member at an anatomy or pathology university laboratory  
  • Engaged as a student at a university in anatomy, medicine, health, or science education 
  • medical/health professionals

A full description of the research activities, risks associated with these activities and any discomforts that you may experience during research can be found here:

Once you click on the link, you will be asked to read the participant information statement before being asked to provide your consent. Once you have provided your consent you will progress to the survey.

Thank you in advance,