Abstract Submission

Skeleton illustration

Welcome to the Abstract submission page.

Please note abstract submissions close on Sunday 20th October at 23:59


  1. Before clicking the submit button please ensure that you have addressed all aspects of the submission guidelines.
  2. File name: Please ensure the file you upload is a word document (*.doc, *.docx). Also, the file should be named as follows: SmithAB_ANZACA2024_Abstract_Podium OR Poster OR Either. This helps categorise the abstracts quickly and facilitates review process.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and welcoming you to the conference.

e.g., Dr Michelle Lazarus
Presentation type preference
Maximum of 20 words
Maximum of 250 words including subheadings
Upload your fully formatted abstract including title, authors and affiliations (as per sample abstracts provided)
I confirm that I am an ANZACA student member AND I will be submitting an ANZACA Conference Student Scholarship application to attend this conference